辦公自動化設備- Offi ce Automation Equipments
家用電器- Household Appliances
玩具和模型- Toys and Models.
按摩器械- Massage device
汽車產品- Automotive Products
廚衛電器- Kitchen appliances
電動工具- Power Tools/Dills/Screwdriver/Inflation pump
醫療器械- Medical Equipment
園林工具- Gardening Appliances
機械性能:軸長 / 滾花 / 滾齒 / 加齒輪 / 滾珠軸承 / 塑膠后蓋 / 護磁圈等
Mechanical:Length of shaft / Knurling / Hobbing / Addgear / Ball bearing / Plastic cap / Flux ring and etc
電氣性能:電壓 / 電流 / 轉速 / 功率 / 扭力等
Electrical performance:Voltage / Current / Speed / Output / Torque and etc